About Des Lynch Sports Psychology
As a Psychotherapist / Registered Clinical Counsellor and Sports Psychology Consultant, Des helps athletes address both personal psychological issues outside of sport and issues related to sport performance such as mental skill development, anxiety and stress management, focus, team building and leadership, health and wellness, communication, conflict resolution, and more.
Why choose Des Lynch Sports Psychology?
Receive assistance in effective goal setting
Increase confidence through positive self-talk techniques
Learn how to maintain a positive attitude through adversity or setbacks
Learn relaxation techniques in everyday life as well as performance/competition
Learn the power of visualization to increase performance skills and exercise techniques
Develop various skills to become the best athlete/exerciser possible from a mental standpoint
Who We Work With
At Des Lynch Sports Psychology we work with individuals, teams, and groups of all ages and levels of competition including but not limited to:
Olympic Athletes
Collegiate Athletes
Elite Youth Athletes
High school Athletes
Recreational Athletes
Masters Athletes
Sports Clubs
I offer online e-therapy and e-counselling over a secure, encrypted video conferencing platform called doxy.me which is similar to Skype and Zoom, but designed for healthcare providers. You don't need to download or install anything, just click on a link and you'll be taken to my virtual therapy room where you can have a video e-therapy session using your computer, android or iPhone.
Give me a call today to find out more!
(250) 858-6161