Des Lynch Sports Psychology
Des Lynch Sports Psychology & Psychotherapy assists athletes to attain their ideal level of sports and life performance. Des empowers athletes to address obstacles related to sport performance and issues that distract them from attaining their goals such as anxiety, stress management, low-self-esteem, self-doubt, burnout, depression, panic disorder, emotional regulation, addiction, self-harming and social anxiety. Other areas addressed include team building, leadership, health and wellness, communication, conflict resolution, retirement from sport and much more.CONSEQUENCES BEING AN ATHLETE
At some point in time 46.4% of athletes experience (one or more) mental health issue(s).
Depression 27.25%, eating disorders 22.8%, general psychological distress16.5%, social anxiety 14.7%, general anxiety disorders 7.1%, panic disorder 4.5%. Injured athletes had higher levels of both depression and general anxiety disorder. (A Gulliver et al. 2014)
Stigma is reported as the primary reason athletes struggling with mental health do not seek help.
"Sport is a whole-brain and body activity. To be “good in sport” requires the presence and participation of your mind, body and spirit in total synchronization with the spontaneity of centred awareness. The mindset of the extraordinary athlete is relaxed but focused and open to ever-higher achievements. Real success or victory is measured by the quality of that very process of attention and mindful involvement, practice and commitment." - (A Huang & J Lynch)Applied Sport Psychology is a science in which the principals of psychology are applied in a sport setting to enhance performance. It’s a part of psychology that focuses on understanding psychological or mental components that influence the athlete’s performance in their sport, exercise and other physical activities. It’s about empowering the athlete to control their reaction to the incredibly tough situations they have to address. Its focus is mainly on mental training, emotional regulation, and reducing psychological risk of poor performance and injury.
The science of ultimate performance is called “flow state”. A state of optimal consciousness where there is total absorption into role and process. The flow state is attained by a radical alteration in normal brain function. The self-vanishes, time flies, every action and decision leads seamlessly to the next.
Less and less do you need to force things,
Until finally you arrive at non-action.
When nothing is done,
Nothing is left undone.
Nothing is done because the athlete’s mind and body vanishes into the process. The athlete’s energy transforms into a relaxed intensity performance flame. The athlete moves and performs effortlessly where everything happens without the distraction of the conscious mind. Described in the Tao De Ching as non-action. This nothing or non-action is everything. The purest form of action where nothing is left undone. The game plays the game, the poem writes the poem, one cannot tell the dancer from the dance. The athlete trusts the superior intelligence of the body. The fires of anxiety and self-doubt cool down, the concentrated mind sees through its confusions and liberating insight develops. The athlete responds rather than reacts to all challenges. The ability to attain this altered state of consciousness is the goal of all athletes to enhance their sport performance.
Sessions Include the Following
- Athlete Profile / Assessment
- Goal Setting (Technical, Tactical, Physical, Mental, Lifestyle)
- Deliberate Psychological Teaching (CBT, DBT, REBT, Behaviorism, Mindfulness, Biofeedback)
- Sport / Performance Motivation
- Sport / Performance Confidence
- Managing Emotions /Performance Anxiety
- Performing Under Pressure
- Focus / Concentration / Attention
- Mental Imagery, Self-talk, Energy Management, Self-Confidence
- Excelling Under Pressure, Preperformance Routine.
- Team Cohesion / Unity
- Assertive Communication / Boundary Setting
- Mental toughness / Resilience
- Visualization / Mental Rehearsal
- Performance Routines
- Decision making / tactics
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